Merida Island Base


Nora Leming is a member of Mithril's Research and Development Division, and works closely with Tactical to assess and determine the functions of the Lambda Driver and Arbalest. She was a civilian in military employ, and was scouted by Tessa following Bani's death. She is a graduate of MIT, and it has been said that she bears a resemblance to Kalinin’s late wife Elina. It is implied she was in a relationship with Sachs.
Issei Tsubaki is a student at Jindai High, and captain of the Karate Club. He considers himself a rival for Kaname’s affections, as well as to Sousuke as a fellow combatant. While he and Sousuke are often at odds, the two of them have joined forces when the situation dictates. Issei has a short temper, and is later the romantic focus of fellow classmate Mizuki Inaba, though he never seems to return her advances.
Gail McAllen, former Australian SAS, was a Lieutenant in Mithril, callsign Uruz 1. He was widely accepted by his team as a good leader and a kind man, following through with his duties and supporting the others to the best of his abilities. McAllen was killed during Gauron’s hijacking of the Tuatha De Danaan by the recent SRT transfer Nguyen. His photo, as well as those others who are remembered after battle, hangs in the bar on Merida Island Base.
Ren is a student at Jindai High, and Student Council Secretary. Ren is a very calm and soft-spoken girl, and unlike her classmates, wears her uniform skirt long to her knees. Ren is the daughter of Kanji Mikihara, aka Kanji the Killer, boss of the Mikihara Gang. Because of Ren’s yakuza background, Kaname often refers to her as O-Ren, due to most girls in yakuza films having names of three syllables.




Bien Bo
Dannigan was a mercenary for Mithril, recently transferred to the SRT as Uruz 12. He was contacted and bribed by Amalgam to assist Gauron in hijacking the TDD-1, agreeing to the terms and killing Lian Shaopin, the other officer watching over Gauron with him. He was a very gruff and angry man with a deep prejudice of Asians, referring to anyone of Asian descent as ‘Chinese.' He was killed by Sousuke in the kitchen of the sub during the hijacking.
Nguyen was a mercenary for Mithril, recently transferred to the SRT as Uruz 10. He joined up with Dannigan and Gauron, assisting in holding Kaname and the bridge hostage during the hijacking. He slowed down Sousuke and Kurz on their way to help Kaname, though Sousuke managed to get through with Kurz's help. Nguyen was a practiced knife fighter, and forced Kurz into a short fight, which he would have won, until Mao intervened.

Bani Morauta

A Whispered, not much is known about Bani, but Tessa described him as a bit shy and respectful. He and Tessa had feelings for each other. It is speculated that either Bani lost himself to the Whispers, or Leonard purposefully drove him to it, but Bani was found having shot himself shortly after the completion of the Arbalest and Al. He is from the small South Pacific island San Jorge, and worked for Geotron before Mithril.
Eva Santos is a pilot in Mithril, holding the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and callsign Gebo 9. Eva is mentioned as the most frequent pilot that takes Sousuke to and from Tokyo during his missions, but is killed during the attack on Tokyo by Amalgam.
Nanba is a student at Jindai High school, and one of only two members of the Social Science Club. His only appearance was during the Flirting Competition to decide which club would take their clubroom, as there was a shortage of space for all the clubs.
Sasaki is a student at Jindai High school, and Student Council Treasurer. He is also part of the model club, and was seen trying to participate in the flirting competition, and failing miserably when he was insulted by the girls he had been attempting to pick up.


Spake was a mercenary for Mithril, and part of the SRT team under Uruz 8. He was shown as being somewhat arrogant and almost cowardly, suggesting they run when Merida Island was under attack. In the end, he sacrificed himself during that same battle.
Vincent Blueno was a member of Mithril's Intelligence Division. Taking a bribe from Amalgam, he gave up secrets that lead to Gauron’s attack and hijacking of the submarine. In the anime, he was not directly suspected until he was caught feeding information to them during the YanXi Tunnel Mission. He was later tracked down to mafia ties in Sicily, and taken back to be interrogated and sentenced for his crimes. It is assumed he was executed.


Mizuki is a junior at Jindai High, and both friend and rival to Kaname, depending on the situation. Mizuki first appeared after her boyfriend, Satoru Shirai broke up with her so that he could attempt to date Kaname instead. At first defending him, she later accepts that he dumped her. Still blaming Kaname, she demands Sousuke pose as her boyfriend so she can still show off to her friends. She falls for Tsubaki when he saves her from falling out a window.
Roger Sandraptor is a mercenary for Mithril, sergeant in the SRT with the callsign Uruz 5. He is Navajo, a calm and taciturn man. He was severely injured during the attack on Merida Island Base and was recovered before the escape then relieved of his duty and dropped off for rehabilitation.


Shiro is a white tiger from Myanmar who was taken in by Sousuke after the two hid from detection together. When they met, Shiro was a cub who had just lost his left eye and his mother. It is unclear when they parted ways, but they were later reunited. He spent a short time with Sousuke in his apartment in Tokyo before being taken to Merida Island to help control the overpopulation of boar. Shiro led Mao to safety during the attack on Merida, then snuck aboard the TDD after the final battle. He was then sent to live happily in a zoo in Hawaii.
Tony was an anime only character created for the re-telling of the discovery of Vincent Blueno’s treachery. He was a member of the PRT. During the YanXi Tunnel operation, he was killed by Yui Lan who cut his throat. Tony made an off-handed joke pertaining to something called ‘The Cretan’s Paradox’, in which a Cretan says all Cretans are liars, making it impossible to be proven true or false. This lead to the plan of doing the opposite of orders to salvage the mission.


Yoko Wakana is a traffic officer with the Sengawa Police, first introduced in Fumoffu. She appears to be in her mid to late twenties. To say Wakana is high strung and a little unstable would be an understatement. Wakana is very easily excitable when it comes to enforcing her idea of justice, which usually comes at the muzzle of an P90 or whatever else she can get her hands on.
Shibata is a member of the Mikihara Yakuza, supposedly in his mid-thirties, and has a five year old child. Shibata was one of the Yakuza featured at Fumofumo Land the day Kaname went out on a date with Fuwa, and was beaten up by Sousuke while hiding his identity. He is quick to fight when drunk, which is quite often. Very loyal to his gang, he is a young leader under Kanji Mikihara.


Younger brother of Mari Akutsu, he is about 8-10 years old. He made his first appearance when Sousuke asked him to help trick his elder sister into believing he was Sousuke’s hostage to release Kaname. When he was released, he joked with Sousuke about the remote controlled toy car he was promised. He made two other appearances, once in the 'haunted' hospital, and next when he and some friends asked Sousuke and Kaname to come to their school to fight a rival group of children for control of the school’s playground.
A teenage delinquent in Tokyo, she is leader of her gang. After Sousuke humiliated some of her boys, she had Kaname kidnapped, telling Sousuke to disarm himself and let her gang beat him up to save her. Unfortunately for her, he was given information on her gang by Hayashimizu, allowing him to have leverage on everyone and scare them into a position more favorable to him. When they ran away in fear, Mari cut Kaname free, no longer needing to hold up pretenses of being tough.


A thin man with light hair, Doctor Painrose is head of Mithril's Research and Development Division, and one of the founding members of the organization. He worked closely with Bani and Tessa as they developed the ARX system and TDD respectively. He also works in correspondance with Nora Leming, assisting in understanding of the Lambda Driver.
Head of Mithril's Intelligence Division, he is often shown as a headstrong and seeming violent man. Wraith seems to owe her loyalty to him, but when Mithril collapses, that all changes. He is a traitor to Mithril, and organized multiple difficulties after the fall. He is the one key in manipulating the American military into coming at odds with Mithril from time to time, and it seems he is actually a current member of their military while also in both Amalgam and Mithril.


A junior at Jindai High, she is described as being a beautiful girl who won the Miss Jin-High contest while still a freshman. She is also intelligent and seems shy, but she is a the Drama Club's president. She has a part-time job at Club C&J, where she acts out the fantasy scenarios of customers. It was initially feared that the club was a brothel, but the fantasies are never sexual in nature, and often actually quite ridiculous.
Fuwa attended the same middle school as Kaname in Tokyo, and had been her first crush. He met her again while she was boarding the train with Kyouko after school, and they picked back up their friendship. He invited her to Fuwa Fuwa Land, the two going to the park on a Sunday. While on the ferris wheel, he asked her out, but she turned him down after she looked out the window and saw Sousuke wearing the Bonta-kun suit as he ran away from the park security.


Father of Leonard and Tessa, Carl was a Captain in the United States Navy, serving in command of the Dallas. An honorable man, he invited Mardukas to meet his family after the man saved his life in a submarine battle against the K-244. He is shown having deep concern for his children and their extreme intelligence, worrying for their safety and ability to live a carefree childhood. A defiant man to the end, he dies protecting his family in a raid against 6 invaders with a single hunting rifle after calling family friend Borda for help.
Mother of Leonard and Tessa, Maria was, on the surface, a faithful wife and good mother. In reality, she cheated on Carl often whenever he was deployed, and harbored a hatred of her son for knowing this. When their home was raided, she hid Tessa away and tried to bargain for her own life by handing over Leonard, but she was killed regardless.
