Merida Island Base

Richard Mardukas
Andrei Sergeivich Kalinin is a former Spetsnaz officer, now Lieutenant Commander for Mithril on board the Tuatha De Danaan with the callsign Perth 1. He is something of a serious and duty minded man, and he has also been known to act as something of a guide and father-figure for Sousuke. He has terrible taste in the Russian dish Borscht, in which he enjoys adding Cocoa powder and Miso paste.
Mardukas was in the British Royal Navy, and widely known as ‘The Duke’. He holds the rank of Commander within Mithril, and is a highly talented XO. He is a very serious and hard-edged man, though he has a soft spot for Tessa. While in the Royal Navy, his efforts saved the lives of Carl Testarossa and his crew, igniting a friendship. He is almost always seen wearing a cap with his former submarine’s name embroidered on it, HMS Turbulent.
Clouseau is a First Lieutenant within Mithril. Originally part of the Mediterranean Fleet, he was transferred to the West Pacific Fleet after the death of Gail McAllen, taking the callsign Uruz 1. He is French-Canadian, and a practitioner of various martial arts. Despite his stern and serious demeanor, he is a secret anime lover. He decides that once Amalgam is defeated, he will move to Japan and become a translator, to be close to his true passion.
Al is the artificial intelligence created by Bani Morauta, the Whispered behind the creation of the Arbalest. Al’s personality has been described as similar to what Sousuke could have been like, had he not been a soldier and assassin. Al used to start each question or sentence by stating it as such, before Sousuke told him to stop it, and he often surprises Sousuke with his very real humanity.




Edmund Mallory Sr.
Yan is a mercenary for Mithril, and the only SRT member who does not pilot an AS. His rank is Corporal, callsign Uruz 9. When not sent out on an operation, he acts as bodyguard for Tessa when she needs to leave Merida Island Base. He is South Korean, and once dreamed of being a pro racecar driver, but was drafted and has been in some kind of military service ever since.
Lord Edmund Mallory Sr. is the head benefactor and leader of Mithril, as well as a founding member of Amalgam. Mallory holds the title of Mister Mercury, and the sole member with information on every major player in Amalgam. He originally started Amalgam with likeminded men under the belief that the world could be saved. As it grew, the ideals that formed Amalgam were corrupted, and the web-like structure allowed it to get out of hand. With the corruption beyond his control, Mallory created Mithril.


Wraith is an undercover operative for Mithril, and part of their Intelligence Division. She was assigned to protect Kaname, though it was never supposed to be revealed where or even who she was. After the events in Hong Kong, she occasionally speaks to Kaname. After the fall of Mithril, she disappeared for a while, surfacing again at different points in the story to deliver important information or assist whenever she could.
Lemon is an operative for the French DGSE, sent to Namsak to investigate the illegal Arm Slave trade suspected activity by Amalgam. While there, Nami saved him from being mugged, and asked for compensation to fund her AS fighting team. Through her, he met Sousuke, putting him on the trail of Amalgam. He was also responsible for helping Sousuke's survival after the fight with Kurama. After joining up with Tessa and the crew of the Danaan, Lemon assisted Wraith in counter-intelligence.

Killy Benjamin Sailor

A Captain in the United States Navy, he once served under the command of Tessa's father. When Gauron hijacked the TDD-1, he was chasing after the "Toy Box," and was in direct confrontation of the TDD. Later, he tried to take a cruise to get his mind off his divorce, stumbling across the 'seajack' attempt by Mithril to take control of the Amalgam-run ship, fancying himself a hero during it, trying to save Tessa. By the end of the series, he ran defense for Tessa, aiding their escape from the final confrontation at Merida.
Hunter is a member of Mithril's Intelligence Division, and is first seen as the contact during the Hong Kong incident. Hunter is of husky build and wears glasses. He has a great deal of influence on the business and political front within Hong Kong. He directly assisted Wraith and Kudan with retrieving the the part of the Arbalest containing Al and getting the Laevatein constructed. He is thought to have been killed by Kalinin while transporting Al, but later is shown recovering in a hospital, Al still in their possession.


Kyouko is Kaname’s best friend, and fellow student at Jindai High. She shares class with Kaname and Sousuke, and is often seen with her portable camera, taking pictures of random things that catch her interest. She’s a big supporter of Sousuke and Kaname’s relationship, and often does what she can to help them along.
Shinji is a junior at Jindai High, and classmate of Kaname and Sousuke. He is known as a fellow military otaku along with Sousuke, particularly Arm Slaves, and is a member of the Photography Club. Sousuke has been known tospeak with him regarding the technical specifications of various Arm Slaves in great detail. Shinji is also friends with Ono-D and Kyouko.
Eri Kagurazaka is the homeroom and English teacher for Kaname and Sousuke at Jindai High. She is a caring woman, and often takes her students failures as part of her own as an educator. She’s sometimes at her wits end when it comes to dealing with Sousuke and his antics, but she she does her best to not allow it affect her ability to teach.
Koutarou Onodera, nicknamed ‘Ono-D’ by his fellow classmates, is a student at Jindai High, and seen as Sousuke’s closest civilian friend. Ono-D is a member of the basketball team, and later develops feelings for Kyouko.


An old family friend of Leonard and Tessa’s late parents, Borda holds the rank of Admiral within Mithril, and is referred to as ‘Uncle’ by Tessa when in private. Borda was present after the Testarossa’s death, taking in Tessa and Leonard, and raising them in his old friend’s stead. Borda was a founding member of Mithril and supported Tessa with the task of designing the most sophisticated attack submarine the world had ever seen: the Tuatha De Danaan.
Hayashimizu is a senior at Jindai High, and Student Council President. He often asks Kaname and Sousuke to perform seemingly dangerous or ridiculous tasks to better the outlook of the school. He is most often seen with a Japanese paper fan and white uniform, the former used for a source of comedy with text that changes. A genius, he is the only one at Jindai who clearly sees through to the truth of Sousuke’s arrival and the events after it, leading him to do what he can to protect the two.


Kudan is a Whispered, presumed to be Japanese. Before she was kidnapped by the KGB and experimented on, she was an avid tennis player. She was first seen as the girl Sousuke recovered in Siberia at the beginning of the story. She was treated within Mithril for what was done to her during captivity. Her Whispered ability lies in Arm Slave Engineering and construction, and with the assistance of Al after he was recovered from the destroyed Arbalest, she designed a far more powerful Arm Slave, the ARX-8 "Laevatein."
Nami was a young woman in her late teens who lived in Namsak, and an undiscovered Whispered. She met Sousuke by coincidence when he was looking for an old acquiantance. Nami went to Namsak when her village was destroyed, hoping to earn money through the illegal Arm Slave fights to rebuild her village and the small school she remembers. She developed feelings for Sousuke during his stay in Namsak, but was later killed by Kurama.
