Merida Island Base
Sousuke Sagara is a young mercenary for Mithril who was given the task of protecting Kaname Chidori. He is very serious about his job, to the point of rigging explosives and traps around the school to keep Kaname safe from terrorists trying to abduct her. His rank is sergeant, and he operates under the codename Uruz 7.
Kaname Chidori is a High School student attending Jindai High. She is very athletic, and has been known by others at school as the only one who can keep up with Sousuke. Though she denies it, she cares greatly for Sousuke, and goes to great lengths to try and help him integrate into a more peaceful lifestyle while in Tokyo.
Melissa Mao is a mercenary for Mithril. She holds the rank of Sergeant Major and callsign Uruz 2. She has something of a short temper, shown most when dealing with SRT teammate Kurz Weber. She enjoys drinking with her fellow mercenaries in the bar on Merida Island, and often acts as a big sister to Sousuke, Tessa, and the kids at Jindai High
Kurz Weber is a mercenary for Mithril, callsign Uruz 6, and he holds the rank of sergeant. He is a talented sniper, and a flirt to all women he finds attractive, especially his superior, Melissa Mao. He once had dreams of being a blues musician, and enjoyed playing the guitar before he discovered his sniping talent.
Teletha ‘Tessa’ Testarossa is the young captain of the Tuatha De Danaan. In Mithril she holds the rank of colonel and the callsign Ansuz 1. She is a klutz, often tripping or bumping into things at the most inopportune time, but her friendly demeanor and tactical knowledge helped to cement her as the leader for her crew. She has shown romantic interest in Sousuke, but this ended up in nothing more than a crush.